Who Wouldn’t Love a Romantic Tea or Coffee in the Morning?

Cup of hot tea with a small graphical human standing on its loop, looking through a magnifyer glass.


Every morning we wake up in a certain mood. The way we start our day has an important effect on our whole day.

Therefore, opening our eyes means more than just letting light in.

On one hand, because it proves that we are still alive. (Hurray! Let’s love mornings, no matter what!)

On the other hand, because it defines the rest of the day for most people. The person who wakes up grumbling will most likely get angry during their daily routine. Hitting their hands and kicking the furniture – unintentionally –, running out of toothpaste, running out of time, etc.

As a result, they need to run to catch the bus which of course would be pulling away right in front of their nose…

This is what you definitely don’t want. Neither for yourself nor the person, who has made your heart skip a beat. Or once they did. (Do not underestimate your relationship just because you ran out of fuel for heated love at the moment!) Those average working days, you’ve spent together are precious if not more valuable than the day you met. Think about it!

The other needs to love and – hopefully – respect you so much to stay with you for a lifetime. Otherwise, they would relive the adventure of the initial excitement with another person over and over again.


Therefore, you should occasionally surprise your partner with a little attentiveness.

What would be more suitable in the morning hours than a pleasant warm tea or coffee that makes the day appear in a different set of colours? But for heaven’s sake, do not clatter while making it! Remember? Your goal is to avoid the grumpy morning! This won’t happen if your beloved wakes up to someone just ruining the kitchen instead of the normal morning alarm clock.

So your task is nothing else but to quietly get up before they wake up, and preparing their favourite breakfast drink. Don’t be selfish, it’s not about you now!

In Romance, the way of implementation is also important. So it is now. If you have made a cup of tea, the decoration might be somewhat limited. There isn’t a great variety of decorations as there is for coffee. But don’t get discouraged! A solution can be a moistened teaspoon coated with sugar, a slice of candied lemon, or a fresh slice of lemon coated in sugar.


In both cases you will need a side plate or a tray. Otherwise, you have to put them in the tea and your efforts won’t be worth anything in this case, right?!

And because you are worth being celebrated as well, make one for yourself, too! Sipping your drinks together with smiles on your faces, that’s what makes a

Good Morning!


If you want to get a taste of my style, download “Before I Met Her” as my romantic soul’s gift to you.

I hope you will enjoy it and you will share your thoughts with me about it. Have fun!


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