Category: Blog articles

Love Between Optimists and Pessimists

Why do optimistic people choose to love and live with a pessimistic other?

(One morning I realized that there are couples going through life that are just not really matching.)

Some couples are strange. You know, the ones you just don’t understand why they are together. When one is really funny and optimistic, the other is rather depressive and pessimistic. So, I started to wonder.

Maybe optimists have too much energy. They would shine too bright and would make the rest of the world blind. So we need shades. In this meaning, pessimists are actually saving our lives.

However, I am really really curious what those positive attitude people could do or reach, if they never heard ‘no’, instead they would get support all the time. Miracles could be happening. Or disasters. Perhaps the real reason behind mixed couples is to avoid disasters.

Pessimists might hold you back, but they can also save you from falling off the edge. But when a pessimist is under the weather, an optimist person can make them see the silver lining. Opposites attract might be pretty much true in this case.

I created this video of optimists and pessimists-fictitious couples-only for fun.  😊

While I really enjoyed working on it, it took a lot of time, so don’t be surprised if you won’t see any videos created by me coming soon. Honestly, I’m a writer. It was fun though. It makes me smile every time I watch it.

I honestly hope it will put a smile on your face, too.


If you wish to keep having fun, feel free to subscribe for my FREE novel Before I Met Her and check out my Passionate Stories.

Love Poems for All

When did you last read a piece of romantic poetry outside of school?

Perhaps never. I dare say this because the precious works of poets hardly sell. It feels like reading love poems would be only the eccentricity of arts students. Or those who do not watch TV or read gossip.

However, a verse can express so much. I admit, it reflects the writer’s mental and spiritual state sometimes obviously, other times deeply hidden among the rows. Still, the emotions are universal. Not only you, dear reader, feel pain, joy, love, rejection, fear, and more.

reading love poemsThis bears good news, though. Even if you don’t count among the number of masters of the pen, you still can surprise your lover with a meaningful work of art this way. All you need to do is purchase a piece of the written arts, read and perhaps learn your favorite poem so you can recite it by heart to your love. This good act will probably come as unexpected from you. Women like surprises, and men like compliments, no matter what others may say.

Even though you may not have an awfully good way with words, still, I encourage you to take your time and write a love poem for your darling. Writing from the heart needn’t remain the privilege of William Blake, Charles Baudelaire or Emily Dickinson after all. Unleash your imagination and create something from the depths of your heart. Who knows? You may find the poet inside yourself, and you will recite all you have to tell in the poem from now on. (It also makes good practice for your wedding vows.)writing love poem

With your poem in your heart (or for those who have a less-remarkable memory – in your hand), you just need an unexpected moment. A pleasant moment in a park or on the way back home, or on the bus, whenever you feel right. Dare the dramatic and perform for your darling. If you would rather avoid sensationalism, post it. Slide it under the table or in a nice envelope, whatever your style. Just make sure it arrives!

And please, for this single moment: Forget email, tweeting, facebook and the rest.

They simply have less romance to them. You stand on your heart’s stage of presenting your love, so do it in a stylish way! Stand apart from the others! Put your maximum effort into it! Your loved one deserves your best.

In the long run, that’s what you wish to get back from them as well, right?


A little inspiration for you by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Love’s Language

How does Love speak?
In the faint flush upon the telltale cheek,
And in the pallor that succeeds it; by
The quivering lid of an averted eye–
The smile that proves the parent to a sigh
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
By the uneven heart-throbs, and the freak
Of bounding pulses that stand still and ache,
While new emotions, like strange barges, make
Along vein-channels their disturbing course;
Still as the dawn, and with the dawn’s swift force–
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
In the avoidance of that which we seek–
The sudden silence and reserve when near–
The eye that glistens with an unshed tear–
The joy that seems the counterpart of fear,
As the alarmed heart leaps in the breast,
And knows, and names, and greets its godlike guest–
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
In the proud spirit suddenly grown meek–
The haughty heart grown humble; in the tender
And unnamed light that floods the world with splendor;
In the resemblance which the fond eyes trace
In all fair things to one beloved face;
In the shy touch of hands that thrill and tremble;
In looks and lips that can no more dissemble–
Thus doth Love speak.

How does Love speak?
In the wild words that uttered seem so weak
They shrink ashamed in silence; in the fire
Glance strikes with glance, swift flashing high and higher,
Like lightnings that precede the mighty storm;
In the deep, soulful stillness; in the warm,
Impassioned tide that sweeps through throbbing veins,
Between the shores of keen delights and pains;
In the embrace where madness melts in bliss,
And in the convulsive rapture of a kiss–
Thus doth Love speak.


If you want to get a taste of my style, download “Before I Met Her” as my romantic soul’s gift to you.

I hope you will enjoy it and you will share your thoughts with me about it. Have fun!

Cup of hot tea with a small graphical human standing on its loop, looking through a magnifyer glass.

Who Wouldn’t Love a Romantic Tea or Coffee in the Morning?


Every morning we wake up in a certain mood. The way we start our day has an important effect on our whole day.

Therefore, opening our eyes means more than just letting light in.

On one hand, because it proves that we are still alive. (Hurray! Let’s love mornings, no matter what!)

On the other hand, because it defines the rest of the day for most people. The person who wakes up grumbling will most likely get angry during their daily routine. Hitting their hands and kicking the furniture – unintentionally –, running out of toothpaste, running out of time, etc.

As a result, they need to run to catch the bus which of course would be pulling away right in front of their nose…

This is what you definitely don’t want. Neither for yourself nor the person, who has made your heart skip a beat. Or once they did. (Do not underestimate your relationship just because you ran out of fuel for heated love at the moment!) Those average working days, you’ve spent together are precious if not more valuable than the day you met. Think about it!

The other needs to love and – hopefully – respect you so much to stay with you for a lifetime. Otherwise, they would relive the adventure of the initial excitement with another person over and over again.


Therefore, you should occasionally surprise your partner with a little attentiveness.

What would be more suitable in the morning hours than a pleasant warm tea or coffee that makes the day appear in a different set of colours? But for heaven’s sake, do not clatter while making it! Remember? Your goal is to avoid the grumpy morning! This won’t happen if your beloved wakes up to someone just ruining the kitchen instead of the normal morning alarm clock.

So your task is nothing else but to quietly get up before they wake up, and preparing their favourite breakfast drink. Don’t be selfish, it’s not about you now!

In Romance, the way of implementation is also important. So it is now. If you have made a cup of tea, the decoration might be somewhat limited. There isn’t a great variety of decorations as there is for coffee. But don’t get discouraged! A solution can be a moistened teaspoon coated with sugar, a slice of candied lemon, or a fresh slice of lemon coated in sugar.


In both cases you will need a side plate or a tray. Otherwise, you have to put them in the tea and your efforts won’t be worth anything in this case, right?!

And because you are worth being celebrated as well, make one for yourself, too! Sipping your drinks together with smiles on your faces, that’s what makes a

Good Morning!


If you want to get a taste of my style, download “Before I Met Her” as my romantic soul’s gift to you.

I hope you will enjoy it and you will share your thoughts with me about it. Have fun!


Apples with icing - Fruitful relationships

Fruitful relationships

You, dear businessmen, network builders, fair-weather friends, you’re all in the wrong place!

To all whose hearts the title did not reach, but whose minds, they were certainly not to read about relationships. But since you’ve come along, you might want to read this.

A relationship – whether fresh or long-life like milk – always requires care.

Just as with a flower in a pot, the best way to keep it alive is constantly cultivating it. Only a few flowers love the flood after the drought. You understand, what I’m talking about, right?

Love must be demonstrated and has to be accepted. I cannot stress the importance of the acceptance strong enough.

You can be in love with someone and they may love you from the bottom of their hearts, but if you cannot accept that you are lovable, you don’t believe in yourself, then you’ll kill your flower sooner or later.

Now let’s get back to my original idea of keeping our love alive. One great option is using fruit. Yes, you read right. Nowadays, regardless of the season, a large variety of fruits can appear on our table. Seasonal fruits are usually cheaper, but this isn’t the point.

The main point is to express our love to our partner in a healthy way – for a change – shall our relationship be at any stage.


Select a type of fruit (Creatives can try multiples of them at the same time!) and prepare it for ready consumption. So far, it’s not a big deal, right?

It won’t be late either, I promise. Just create a simple word or a short sentence of the fruit on a nice plate, tray, paper mat, whatever. The important thing is to place your artwork in a place where your beloved will surely find it. Hopefully before the fruit crawls down from the plate on its own.

The message can be simple and straightforward like “I Love you!” Or you can display your darling’s name. There’s really no limit.

Those brave creatives dare use multiple fruit types, they can include their message in a fruit picture on a plate.

Anyway, the essence of it is that we shall communicate our thoughts.

So the person you love would realize that you have thought of them today.

If in no other way, but with a piece of fruit from the grocery store on the corner!

A small phial in pink, light blue and lilac, with a tag: "Thanks for existing in my little galaxy!"

Do You Want to Know What Romance Is About?


I have a question for you.


What is romance?

I’m not thinking of the groundbreaking art style.

I wanted to take an old-fashioned encyclopedia in my hand to have a reference when I realized that the volume ‘R’ is missing. Just like romance is missing from many of our lives.

But there are moments when we realize that the pervasive love that makes a chocolate bar more than the money we spent on it is missing from our lives.


So what is romance?

In my opinion, it is nothing more but a soul that honestly expresses their liking / affection/ love for another soul. I deliberately did not write “person”.

Sometimes we play games. If you give me your love, I will give you a little. As much as you give, I open up and reveal to you of myself. We conceal our most intimate, deepest feelings and become tough, or even fragile. Or that’s what we show to the world.

Meanwhile, we desire others to behave with us according to what is in our hearts. In most cases, the other party does not come to know what it is, and the trouble begins. Shall I say the game is on?!


Romance in our case means more of the romantic behavior that is the contrary to the above-mentioned games. It is true openness and sincerity. Pure emotions. It’s our discretion of being attracted to another being. Revealing all this without knowing what we can get in return. A smile, a yes or a rejection…

Most people don’t take the risk. Many don’t even dare reveal their feelings when they have a well-established relationship.

But why don’t we care about the possible positive outcomes, like making someone’s day simply admitting we like them? Why do you forget about the option you might actually get surprisingly positive feedback and they would say yes to whatever your question was. Many of us fear rejection so much, that they won’t even try.

We must change it urgently!


Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys,

Give everything you have and don’t fear to live. Reach out for your dreams, don’t just dream it.

After all, rejection is much better than regret or What-ifs…


If you want to get a taste of my style, download “Before I Met Her” as my romantic soul’s gift to you.

I hope you will enjoy it and you will share your thoughts with me about it. Have fun!


Three plush bears are reading a book

3 Honest Reasons Why I Chose Romance as my Genre


Do you remember being a student in love at high school? Can you recall a special person at work you fancied? Have you ever had an unfulfilled romantic desire?  Or have you ever dated somebody you didn’t really love but he or she was cute?

Well, I do. I remember the loved ones and those I desperately wanted to love but somehow just couldn’t. We meet so many beautiful and kind people along the way, we still find it hard to say “I love you, you are the one for me”.


Below are my top 3 personal reasons I love writing romance as my genre for:

1. I almost totally skipped teenage love…

Skipping teenage love

I did not accept who I truly was as a teenager. I read World War II novels and completely avoided girlish games, toys or activities, like polishing my nails. No wonder I ended up in the military. I tried so hard to be equal to boys that I simply forgot about my true nature. Unlike the boys around me, as it came to my understanding many many years later. Romantic relationships existed only in my head.

I love the idea that I can relive, or shall I write rewrite any age, I want to, and I feel the feelings I share on my pages.

2. I want to make dreams come true

Make your dreams come true

I am sure we all have met handsome guys/pretty girls whom we eyed for a while but nothing else happened. Unfortunately. Because those guys or girls never made a move. Nor did we. Fear of shame, rejection or humiliation kept them, or even us still.

Those moments remained fainting nice memories in our mind. They became what-ifs.  Although these are rather pleasant memories, I tend to think about them as lost opportunities when we could have made a connection. They could have turned out failures or mistakes, that’s true. But also one of them could have been the love of our lives.

So I vote for rejection over regret. In my novels, I create characters who dare to take those extra moves. Sometimes only one more step. As to that, they are able to fulfil your dreams and wishes. This is my service to my readers. Since I always wanted to make people happy, I find writing romance a very effective way for it.


3. Perhaps my most profound reason is that I love writing and I adore true love

Adoring true love

Love is the kind of feeling that makes everything possible for any of us. Even the most average person can become a hero or heroine for their love. We are able to lift large rocks – and I’m not talking about diamonds – to save someone we love stuck under debris with our pure muscle power. A weight that seemed impossible to even move before. I have seen it happen. It was a miracle. Just like love is to me.

A true miracle, I want to share with all of you on the pages of the Passionate Series.

If you want to get a taste of my style, download “Before I Met Her” as my romantic soul’s gift to you.
I hope you will enjoy it and you will share your thoughts with me about it. Have fun!