Passionate Writer Blog Random Thoughts

Ronnie’s Passionate Writer Blog – Random Thoughts

Ronnie Brait Romance Author's Blog

In this writer blog I intend to write just about everything that pops to mind.

To my mind. I’d like to clarify this for the mind readers.

You know, those people who always know better what you’re thinking. Sadly, I’m one of them. At least my partner puts it into my head every once in a while.

In my defense, it’s my job, if you wish. I need to know what Temy answers to Oin or anyone else, in fact. And I’m the one who knows the deepest fears of Oin Moran, the big, big star! Not to mention his friends, Tom, Melin, Lily, and all the Passionate Series’ characters.

Like the other day, Kathy asked Temy about something very intimate. Now, without having a close relationship with Temy, how would I have been able to answer this question?

Or when Oin’s best friend is struggling something deep inside, how would Oin know if I didn’t tell him? See?! This is my duty. To let them know. Sometimes I feel like a messenger.

One day, they all had a row.

I couldn’t stop them fighting! I stayed outside and wrote down everything they thew at each other’s head, which was said or done as evidence. They lived their own lives and left me out. It felt terrible and uplifting the same time. My babies moved out of my chest. They became separate from me. That hurt a bit. But their independence brought great surprises along the way, surprises I’m open to receive and report to you. Because they don’t act like I thought they would or I wanted them to any more. And it’s exciting, isn’t it?

As I mentioned it earlier, my blog posts are presenting my Random Thoughts. I hope you’ll enjoy them once you know me a little bit better. 😉